2002 Game
Developer's Conference |
Fundamentals of Stealth Gameplay in the Thief Series"
(4.2 MB .ppt)
ambitious lecture that presents a model of analyzing gameplay using
the theory of "discrete" versus "analog" interaction
and simultaneously attempts to deconstruct Thief using that model.
2003 Game
Developer's Conference
Power-Ups for Action Games" (1.5
MB .ppt)
on the process of designing power-ups: deconstructing their components,
brainstorming, documenting, etc.. Emphasis is on refining your sense
of design goals and development limitations. |
2004 Game
Developer's Conference |
Techniques for Implementing Emergent Gameplay" (2.0
MB .ppt) |
A co-presentation
with Harvey Smith which emphasizes implementing Emergent Gameplay
connected Mechanics and includes topics such as world population and
supporting technology. |
2006 Game
Developer's Conference |
Building For Stealth Gameplay" (5.0
MB .ppt) |
Lecture on the
unique challenges and goals of building great stealth levels and the
design tools used to overcome them. Lots of diagrams and examples. |
2007 Montreal
International Game Summit & Game Developer's Conference |
To Help Your Players Stop Saving All The Time" (3.9
MB .ppt) |
Lecture on the
powerful role of replay and save/load in the interactive medium and
design techniques to encourage players away from compulsively saving
and loading. |
AMODA Lecture
Series, 2002 |
Games: The State of the Art" (6.2 MB
.ppt) |
Lecture intended
for non-game-developers providing an overview on the interactive art
form and its current state of maturation with an emphasis on video
games as a storytelling / expressive media. |